Thursday, 22 January 2015


There is so much in life, but what is it?

Do you work to live, or live to work? There are so many unanswered questions, and no one to answer them, no one but you.

You, do you enjoy your job, is it something you see yourself doing forever, do you get decent pay so you stay there anyway? These are questions that constantly go through my head. What do I want to do as a career, I don't even know. What are my hobbies, and would I make a hobby part of my every day life?

I have many hobbies, one of which is singing, I love to sing. I started singing classes 8 years ago. Something that I wanted to do, not just to better my voice, but to gain confidence. It's one of those things that open you up and make you create a song by the way you sing it. Well, I mainly fo musical theatre, hence the performance of the song. But would I do this as a career? No, it's not something for me, I love it, but just as a hobby. I wish I was a better singer, but I can only try.

Another hobby, paper crafting. As you can tell, I'm more on the creative side, and I guess it makes sense that I would like to go and do sonethingb creative with my career, but as yet, being a 24 year old in London, there is so much I could possibly do, and yet my head is filled with so many possibilities and yet I'm still not doing anything with them.

The job I am doing right now, is definitely not a career ambition of mine, and I hope to get out of it reasonably soon and find something that I can use my creative outlet in.

But think about it yourself, does your job drive you and keep you focused on the many years to come. Don't settle if you're not happy. There's so much out there, you just need to chase it.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015

New Year's 2015

"What is your New Year's resolution?"

New Years always seem to bring the question about how your going to change this year and make yourself a better version, to adapt some part of your lifestyle with bullet points of what you want to do differently and stick to it for the year. People put a lot of pressure into these straight forward questions, to make a massive change in their life. And if you plan to stick to your New Year's Resolutions, then of course, you're going to want to think carefully. I've decided to add things to my life, but I don't want to use the term 'New Year's Resolution', as I think it's not original. Instead, I'm going to just list a few of the things I want to change.

  • Start to blog parts of my life. (I think it's something I can look back and remember; a diary type, but online.)
  • Really think about what career path I want to go down. (It sounds like a boring adult thing to do, but I can't stay where I am right now.)
  • Filming more of the things that I do. (I take a ton of photos, but videos are something you can see in action, the sounds, the area, the virtual memories.)

The start of 2015, let's see where life takes us from here. I'm looking forward to updating this page and seeing what has happened throughout the year. I have some exciting things coming up and I look forward to writing about them. Hoping to do it weekly, as long as I have time and patience.

The very first photo I took of 2015, let's see what the last will be! 
